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Channeling Selena Gomez

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

Is Selena Gomez a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Taylor Tomlinson’s recent Netflix special, “Look at You,” is yet additional proof that Tomlinson is one of the best young comedians out there today.

In her first Netflix special, “Quarter Life Crisis,” Tomlinson proved that she had the comedic skills to reach out to a wide-ranging audience while laboriously lamenting over the hardships endured as a result of being a 25 year-old. I suppose we all have our crosses to bear.

In, “Look at You," Taylor moves on to more mature subjects…being bipolar, her mother’s death, and her belief that she is a nightmare to date. First and foremost, the writing in this special is outstanding - with no loose ends and well thought out stories. Tomlinson moves from one bit to the next effortlessly, in what is clearly good choreography atop a robust comedic talent with a great sense of timing. Taylor is clearly a good writer - there are no unnecessary words in her routines - she gets to the point efficiently without wasting your time with white noise.

Taylor’s approach to mental illness (depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder) is funny and refreshing. After polling the audience about the psychotropic medications they are taking (seems like most audience members admitted to taking something - a refreshing fact in and of itself) she takes the audience on a hilarious trip down her own path to mental health, which ends up in her finding solace in an apparent similarity to Selena Gomez…I didn’t see that one coming.

I would argue that Tomlinson’s conclusion that she is a nightmare to date is likely indicative of her youth and relative inexperience. Taylor is smart, self-curious, and cute. If you don’t fall in love with her after seeing this special, you’re intellectually unworthy - simple as that.

I strongly recommend checking out, “Look at You,” on Netflix if you haven’t already, and, “Quarter Life Crisis.”

You will not be disappointed.

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